
Artists Alliance gallery Accra

December 03, 2020TheHourMake

Artists Alliance gallery in Accra Ghana has become one of the most important art venues in Ghana. Three expansive art floors were exhibited in the cool marble gallery, exhibited by famous artists such as Owusu Ankomah and George Hughes, whose paintings reminiscent of Jean Michel Basquiat and Willem De Kooning, while other painters It is a new and upcoming artist such as Ebenezer Borlabie. 

Market, country and urban scenes are full of political satire - of course, Glover himself has caged characters and intermittent crowd scenes.

There are also collectors' works: Asafo logo appliqués and embroidered symbols; Akan and Ewe's ancient banded knit, With his contemporary and fine art collections, the three story gallery is a treasure chest  of Kente fabrics; African masks; and finely carved furniture.

On display are crabs, you will see the artistic designs for running shoes and eagle-shaped full-size coffins. Everything is for sale.

The Artists Alliance Gallery has been dedicated to bringing attention to traditional and contemporary African art worldwide. The mission of the gallery is to provide art connoisseurs with rich and authentic contemporary art and traditional African art.

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