
Ampesi and palava sauce

November 25, 2020TheHourMake

The majority of meals consist of thick, well-seasoned stews, usually accompanied by such staple foods as rice or boiled yams. Stews come in a variety of flavors, the most popular being okra, fish, bean leaf or with other green leaf. Also have plava sauce (spinach stew with either smoked fish or chicken with salted and dry fish).

Many spices are used to prepare stews and other popular dishes. Ginger, garlic, onions, cayenne, allspice, and chili peppers are the most widely used seasonings. Onions and chili peppers with tomatoes, and palm oil which help to make up the basis for most stews.

Certain foods that make up the Ghanaian diet vary according to which region of the country people live in. In the north, millet (a type of grain), yams and corn are eaten most frequently, while the south and west enjoy plantains (similar to bananas), cassava, and cocoyams (a root vegetable).

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